Now Faith

By:  Staci Stallings

One of the cool things about being with the Lord and having friends there too is that you don’t have to ferret every lesson out on your own.  And some of the most profound lessons sometimes come during a simple conversation when friends just toss off something they have learned about God.

Now Faith is one of those lessons.

My daughter was on team for a recent retreat, and the Scripture verse was Hebrews 11:1.  It is interesting to me how, when a certain Scripture becomes important to you, you see it everywhere.  And she did.  It got to be hilarious all the way to their song playing on the radio as we drove home after it was over.

If you’re like I used to be, you may now know exactly what Hebrews 11:1 is, so I’ll help you out.

Now faith is the evidence of things hoped for, the substance of things not seen.

Get that?

FAITH is believing even when you don’t see it happening.  It is the EVIDENCE even before something has come to pass.

And that’s the way it’s written most of the time “Faith is…”

But wait.  That’s not what it says.  Go back for a moment:

Now faith is the evidence of things hoped for, the substance of things not seen.

Did you catch that?  It doesn’t say “faith.”  It says, “Now faith.”

As an English teacher I will tell you that something very important is missing if you are trying to express the word “Now” as a reference to a previous comment as in “Therefore”.  A comma is missing.  “Now, faith…”  as in “Now, having said what I just said, I’m going to tell you the next thing.”  I have looked in several translations and there is no comma there.  So that makes “Now” not an adverb but an adjective!

So what, you say.  Staci, that’s all just mumbo jumbo English stuff that no one cares about.  But is it?

“Now faith” as it is written is an expression of Now modifying or changing the word faith.  It’s not “Past faith…”  or “Future faith…”  It is “Now faith…”  In this present moment, right here, right NOW!

“Now faith” means you don’t have to wait for the faith to show up.  It’s here!  Now faith moves you to action because it is your evidence, it shows you that things are coming that you cannot see, but you believe and act as if they are here!

Do you have “Now faith”?  Do you have faith that expresses itself in moving forward even when you don’t see how it will work?  Do you have “Now faith” that give you hope and a future but expresses itself not “then” or “someday” but right NOW?

I challenge you to start using some “Now faith…” today.  This minute.  I truly can change everything about everything!


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