Continue On (Special Post for Authors)

December 26, 2012

By Special Guest blogger, Heather Hart


And now, dear children, continue in him, so that when he appears we may be confident and unashamed before him at his coming.

~ 1 John 2:28

You know that moment when you finally finish a big project. Sure, there’s always more to do, but something big is done, and you just sit to bask in the feeling of completion? I was there recently. I had finished up a huge project that had been a year in the making – and it felt good!

Of course I was already working on promoting the finished project, and I had at least 4 other big projects on my desk, but the afterglow of finishing one was enormous. I even put away my clean clothes that had been sitting in a basket in my room for who knows how long.

The temptation to bask in the afterglow of finishing a big project weighed heavy, but our work is never done. I love the verse in 1 John above, because it reminds me that even when one thing is finished, I need to continue living for Christ. That way when He comes, He won’t find me wasting time, but working for Him and for His glory. It’s just like the Bible is saying to me, “Great, you’ve finished a project. That’s awesome, and now, continue to work to bring Christ even more glory. Don’t stop; keep up the good work so that when I Christ comes back, you will have done everything that I asked you to do.”

I remember something that my youth pastor said back when I was in high school that has always stuck with me. He asked us how we would feel if when we got to heaven God asked us why we had never read His Word. Would we be happy to tell Him that we didn’t find it interesting, or that we didn’t have the time? Probably not. As a writer, I can’t help but think how I would feel if I got to heaven and God asked me why I didn’t write what He called me to. Would I be happy giving the answer that I had finished one project and I thought that was good enough? Again, probably not.

My newest book, “A Year in Book Marketing,” has been a difficult one for me to complete. It’s being published in two parts, the first part coming out January 1st, 2013. I’ve been writing and helping other authors since 2009, and I know God has big plans for this book. It helps authors to continue on sharing the message that He gave them by marketing the books they have written for Him. If you’re an author, or know one, I highly encourage you to check it out. You can learn more about it at:

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Book MarketingHelping other authors since 2009, Heather Hart is the author of “Book Marketing 101” among other titles. She lives in Texas with her husband, Paul, where she fills her days caring for their four young children, typing away on her computer, and brainstorming new marketing ideas. Heather works as a liaison, author, and authors assistant whose desire is to glorify Christ through her work and to help other authors do the same. You can learn more about Heather by visiting her website:

The Next Big Thing

December 5, 2012

by:  Staci Stallings

This is so fun!

In a few seconds I’m going to share with you my Next Big Thing, but first thanks to Gail Pallotta, who’s one of my writer friends on the ‘Net for tagging me in the Next Big Thing blog hop!  This is the Next Big Thing blog hop in which you get to hop back and forth through the posts to find new and exciting authors and books.  Some authors will share upcoming books, some will share already released books, others will give you a peek into their current work in progress!  So hop around and enjoy all of the excitement!

Now, I’m here now to answer…

10 Questions about My Next Big Thing

And then stick around at the end for a great opportunity and more fantastic blogs!

Hope you have fun…

What is the working title of your next book?

My next big thing will be coming out in February.  It’s called “Eternity.”

Freddie Prinze Jr. as Aaron Foster

Where did the idea come from for the book?

Many years ago I was on a message board for a show that was very popular at the time but the series was ending. There was one actor I just LOVED on the show.  He had an emotional depth that for a young man was astounding.  Then one night I went to a movie and there was a guy in the movie that just captivated me.  Back on the message board, I was expounding on how fantastic these two guys were, and someone said, “Someone should make a movie with the two of them in it.”

Well, I had already written 7 full-length novels to that point, and I WAS inspired.  30 days later, “Eternity” was finished.

What genre does your book fall under?

Contemporary Inspirational Fiction (great story, great message, not overtly Christian)

Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?

Well, THAT’S easy!  The lead role of Aaron Foster is played by Freddie Prinze Jr. 

Rider Strong as Drew Easton

Aaron’s best friend, Drew Easton is played by Rider Strong.

And Mena Suvari is Harmony Jordan.

Mena Suvari as Harmony Jordan

What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?

He set her up with his best friend, then fell in love with her. Now what?

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?

It will be published through Spirit Light Books as all of mine are.

How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?

30 days.  Fastest one I ever wrote, and you will probably read it that fast as well.  It kind of grabs hold of you and won’t let go!
What is unique about this book?

This is the love triangle that will rip your heart out and stomp on it… in a good way.  You’ve got Aaron, the nice above-average, completely clueless guy.  You’ve got Harmony, the love-struck girl next door who Aaron sees as his best friend in the world but nothing more than that.  And then you’ve got Drew who you will absolutely fall in love with and then hate everyone else for what’s about to happen.

What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?

They say that nice guys finish last, but what happens when you’ve got TWO nice guys, and only one can win the girl’s heart?

Do you have anything to keep us entertained while we wait?

I certainly do…

You have ONE DAY LEFT to get

COWBOY for FREE on KINDLE–Click here!

“Christian fiction at it’s best!”
Don’t miss out!
Click here!

Then visit the next five outstanding blogs in the Next Big Thing blog hop!

Mary Campagna Findley

Sharon Srock

Naty Matos

Precarious Yates

Edie Mahoney Melson


Watching God Work

January 16, 2012

by:  Staci Stallings

Sometimes a little distance from an event can give you great clarity on just how God works in this world.  I’ve found that when He’s working in my life and His work is really visible, it’s hard to pull apart all He’s doing because I’m in the middle of it.  It’s kind of like how on, you can pull way out and see most of the world.  Then you keep hitting + and you get closer and closer in to the map until you can see all the street names.  The problem is sometimes the actual area doesn’t really look like it does on the map.

Okay, so there’s a curve there, but you weren’t expecting trees or that hill that obscure your view, nor were you picturing that there would be no sign to the turn you’re supposed to take.

It’s the same way when you’re in the middle of a situation.  You are bombarded with things so close and coming at you so quickly that really, you’re just living, not analyzing.  When, however, you have a bit of distance from a situation, you can often marvel at how God works.

For example, I’ve recently connected with a writer’s group that is going gang-busters.  We help each other out in the rough and tumble world of social networking.  The neatest thing is getting to watch God work–through them, with them, in them, and with each other.  Three times now we have had a book/author who for one reason or another starts climbing the charts.  That’s the cue to go from passive help to active help–getting the word out to as many people as we can as quickly as possible.

But the thing I’ve marveled at the most is simply watching God at work.

I have so enjoyed seeing Him work in how the other authors rally together, in how creative they can be in coming up with ways to help, and in the encouragement they give to one another.  I have also enjoyed watching the astonishment of the authors that others rally around.  They are often quite literally floored that others would be so generous with their time, talents, and resources to help them out even though they will not see a nickel for their efforts.

In fact, it’s almost a glimpse, I think of what Heaven will be like.  Doing things out of love only, not for the gain that will come to us if we do.  Helping out of our fullness not out of our need. That’s so cool.

I love watching God in each of them too.  They are helpful, yes.  But they are fun and joyful.  They know how to lift each other up–through prayer, yes–but also through just being wonderful to each other.  I love watching that example played out over and over again.

The other night, one member posted something about NOT checking sales numbers on Sunday.  (You can get obsessed with checking. 😉  Well, another member happened to see that post and hadn’t checked in awhile so she went and checked.  Come to find out her book was rapidly climbing the charts that minute!  (And she never would have thought to check without the first post!)

She came on and was all excited about her book selling so well.  Instantly about six of us jumped on the band wagon and started tweeting and Facebooking about her book, and sure enough it climbed nearly 4,000 more spots!  Now on her own, even if she saw the climb, she couldn’t have done much.  A few tweets, a Facebook Message.  But with all of us right there, ready to help, many more people now have a great book about God’s love for them.

This is not a perfect system, nor is it science.  We do what we can, following and doing what God leads us to do when He tells us to.  But it is one of the honors of my life just to get to watch Him work through this group.  He really is an AWESOME God!


To see more about the Grace & Faith 4 U Group, visit our Facebook Page at:  (Be sure to LIKE it so our updates show up on your News Feed… lots of GREAT books, blogs, etc.)

To see books by Grace & Faith 4 U Authors, visit:

And for more inspiration 3 times a week, we have a blog as well:

You’ll never be bored or want for something GREAT to read when you know about Grace & Faith 4 U!

Peace and have a blessed day!

The Most Important God Lesson I’ve Learned Is…

December 13, 2011

Hi, everyone!


In honor of the WoMen’s Literacy Cafe Launch of the book Nickels, by my friend Karen Baney, (that starts TODAY!) we’re going to do something a little different.

These awesome Christian authors have their ebooks available for 99Cents through the WLC.  So I asked them what the most important lesson God has ever taught them has been.  As you read their answers, consider how you would answer the question and then feel free to post your answer in the comments section. We’d love to hear from you!

And now from our guests

The most important God lesson I’ve learned is…

Karen Baney (Nickels)

The most important thing I’ve learned in my walk with God is something that I have to keep re-learning.  So, I’m not sure if it counts to have “learned” it.  But here it is:  Stop worrying, God is in control.  So many times when I’m anxious and stressed, God gently nudges me with Matt 6:25-34 and reminds me that he will take care of everything I need.  All I need to do is take it one step at a time.

Naty Matos (Growth Lessons)

I think that one of the most important lessons I’ve learned so far is that everything belongs to God. It was both humbling and freeing to know that I’m just a steward and not an owner. It changed my perspective of my purpose in life and allowed me to focus on what I’m here to do, build the kingdom of God.

John Hileman (Messages)

I saw a bumper sticker that sums it up, it said, “Don’t believe everything you think.” Knowing who God truly is, and not who I want Him to be, has impacted every aspect of my life. When I seek to know Him as He is revealed in His Word, it transforms my thinking. When I imagine a god for myself-out of my own bizarre thinking-my life is always in a state of constant upheaval and misery. 

Sarah Witenhafer (Tamed)

While writing Tamed, I learned a life-changing lesson: God really, truly, deeply, loves me. He’ll catch me before I fall headlong. He’ll shield me when I’m weak, pursue me when I run and never, ever let me go.

Jonathon J. Dillon (A God Who Speaks)

I’ve learned that God is truly good and He wants the best for me. I’ve also learned He speaks and Hearing from Him can have a profound effect on the course of your life.

Matt Patterson (My Emily)

God is in control. Plain and simple – He is in control.

Linda Yezak (Give the Lady a Ride)

The most important lesson I’ve learned in my walk with God is that when I think he’s abandoned me, he’s there. Sometimes I see him only through hindsight, after the crisis has passed, but each time I look back and see his hand, I learn trust him more through the next crisis.

Shawn Lamb (The Hugenot Sword)

The most important lesson God ever taught me is how my relationship to my husband mirrors Christ’s relationship to the Church.  When one understands God’s view of marriage and why He ordained the institution, one’s whole perspective changes. It’s not a matter being forced to submit, but the more important role is a husband loving his wife as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it. So how can I not want the best for someone who must fill Christ’s shoes?  My call to submission is small compared to my husband’s duty, but doing it, eases his burden.

Precarious Yates (The Elite of the Weak)

The number one lesson I learned in walking with the Lord is to LEAN. I’m not talking a crutch here, more like a stretcher (or a couch lovingly embroidered for us–Song of Solomon 3:10). Leaning, to me, means to be totally reliant upon Him, not wanting to go forward unless He goes with me (like Moses in Ex. 33). Who is this coming up out of the wilderness LEANING on her Beloved? (Song 8:5)

Staci Stallings (Cowboy)

That ALL things work to the good of those who believe in Christ.  I can’t account for it, but I have seen that even in those times I’ve considered to be failures, God both brought me through and showed me His grace, mercy, forgiveness, and love and He crafted answers and insights around the situation that I never could have gained otherwise.  So now when I have a particularly vexing problem or situation, I can breathe and say, “Okay, Holy Spirit, what are You trying to teach me with this?  Show me what You want me to learn.”  Instead of how I used to handle such issues… “GOD! This isn’t fair! Why are You doing this to me?!”  He’s not doing it to me.  Life sometimes does things to me, but God only wants my best and He can make lemonade out of the worst of life’s lemons… even those that are rotten.  Learning that, understanding that, and using that understanding has made an incredible difference in my life and in my walk with God.

And the Journey Begins…

March 26, 2008

Hello to all you weary Internet travelers.  I pray you have come here to find uplifting inspiration of the highest caliber because that’s what you will get!

Spirit Light Books exists to connect you to awesome authors who are listening to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.  We want most to share our journey with you and to hear about your journey as well.  Don’t be shy about commenting, and we won’t be shy about telling you how honored we are to be here with you.

 And now, without further ado, let the journey begin…