My Christmas Present to You!

December 27, 2012

by: Staci Stallings

If you got a Kindle for Christmas, I’ve got a special gift for you…

FREE on Amazon Dec. 27 & 28….

Cowboy New

Click Here to get your FREE GIFT!

& Merry Christmas!

Free Ebook Thursday & Friday ONLY!

November 8, 2012

Taking today off from blogging to let you know that my #1 Christian Romance Best Seller, TO PROTECT & SERVE is FREE on Kindle!


Romance of the purest and sweetest kind…”

Houston firefighter, Jeff Taylor is a fireman’s fireman. He’s not afraid of anything, and no situation is too dangerous to keep him on the sideline if lives are at stake.

Lisa Matheson runs a semi-successful ad agency that’s on the brink of falling apart. Her employees are incompetent and her schedule has become exhausting. When she takes on a client with a brilliant idea for a big conference, she thinks that maybe, finally this is her lucky break. However, the fire station wasn’t what she had in mind for finding conference speakers. When she falls for a handsome but shy firefighter, it’s possible that life might just be going her way for a change. The only problem is she can’t quite get control Jeff and the death wish he seems to have…

“Staci Stalling is like an artist, and she really paints a beautiful picture. There are few books that can glue me to my seat and with every Staci Stallings’ book, I am glued. In ‘To Protect and Serve,’ you will smile with them, get angry with them, and you’ll also cry when the characters are hurting. In this novel, Staci shows that love does not only encompass emotion, but to love, we need to trust, to accept and in some instances, surrender.” 

–Amazon Reviewer, Rhonda Aberdeen

Get it FREE on Kindle!


August 15, 2012


August 15 & 16

Staci’s “Amazing!” novel:

To Protect & Serve

“Reading To Protect & Serve, I’m taken away to another world, a world I want to be a part of and never leave. Staci’s characters are real with real everyday problems. I love that.

Oh, and the firemen in this story, they’re smokin’ hot! Especially the hero!”

–Debra, Amazon Reviewer

When control freak Lisa Matheson falls for handsome but shy firefighter, Jeff Taylor, it’s possible that life might just be going her way for a change. The only problem is she can’t control Jeff or the death wish he seems to have…

Available as a free download from Amazon!

Click here to get your Free Kindle Copy TODAY!

Click here to get a free Kindle App to read “To Protect & Serve” on your computer.


#1 Amazon!

April 19, 2012

by: Staci Stallings

Well, the impossible has happened. “Deep in the Heart” has taken the #1 spot on Amazon’s Free Kindle page!

It is free again today, so please tell your friends and share with everyone you know…


April 19, Staci’s novel:

Deep in the Heart

Just out of college and completely alone in the world, Maggie Montgomery has one shot left to save her life from an abyss of poverty and hopelessness. Clinging to the last shred of fuel and hope, she arrives at the mansion of Texas billionaire Conrad Ayers. Although Maggie is clearly not what Mr. Ayers and his wife have in mind for a nanny, they agree to hire her temporarily until they can find someone more appropriate to fill the position. However, Maggie’s whole world is about to be up-ended by two way-over-scheduled children and one incredibly handsome hired hand. As she struggles to fit into a world she was never made to fit in, Maggie wonders if she can ever learn to become a perfect version of herself so she can keep the job, or is she doomed to always be searching for a life she can never quite grasp?

Keith Ayers despises his life. As the son of Texas billionaire Conrad Ayers and the fiance to a Senator from Texas’ daughter, it looks great on the outside, but inside, he is dying. He would vastly prefer to manage and train his father’s racehorses. However, everyone else thinks that is beneath him. He needs to get into industry and build on his father’s success. Suffocating under the constrictions of his life, he meets Maggie who begins to teach him that wealth and power is not everything in this life. But can Keith defy the most powerful men in Texas to follow his heart?

“This is more than a romance. The author cuts straight to the heart of God–love. God is love. Even through unexpected tragedies. And we can overcome evil with good–by His love.”

–Betty Anne Bantz

Click this link to get the FREE Kindle ebook:

Special Announcement

April 17, 2012

by:  Staci Stallings

I wanted to let everyone know that “Deep in the Heart” will be FREE for Kindle on April 18 & 19th!  Here’s more information about the book.  Please forward to all of your friends who might be interested!

Mark Your Calendars!


April 18 & 19, Staci’s novel:

Deep in the Heart

Just out of college and completely alone in the world, Maggie Montgomery has one shot left to save her life from an abyss of poverty and hopelessness. Clinging to the last shred of fuel and hope, she arrives at the mansion of Texas billionaire Conrad Ayers. Although Maggie is clearly not what Mr. Ayers and his wife have in mind for a nanny, they agree to hire her temporarily until they can find someone more appropriate to fill the position. However, Maggie’s whole world is about to be up-ended by two way-over-scheduled children and one incredibly handsome hired hand. As she struggles to fit into a world she was never made to fit in, Maggie wonders if she can ever learn to become a perfect version of herself so she can keep the job, or is she doomed to always be searching for a life she can never quite grasp?

Keith Ayers despises his life. As the son of Texas billionaire Conrad Ayers and the fiance to a Senator from Texas’ daughter, it looks great on the outside, but inside, he is dying. He would vastly prefer to manage and train his father’s racehorses. However, everyone else thinks that is beneath him. He needs to get into industry and build on his father’s success. Suffocating under the constrictions of his life, he meets Maggie who begins to teach him that wealth and power is not everything in this life. But can Keith defy the most powerful men in Texas to follow his heart?

“This is more than a romance.  The author cuts straight to the heart of God–love.  God is love. Even through unexpected tragedies.  And we can overcome evil with good–by His love.”

–Betty Anne Bantz

Click this link to get the FREE Kindle ebook:


February 20, 2012

by:  Staci Stallings

Consider this a progress report on my writing/publishing life.

First off, God has blessed me with an amazing cover designer.  He’s a 24-year-old graphic artist from Malaysia (yes, you read that right… isn’t God AMAZING?!).  So far we’ve done 4 covers together, each is more beautiful than the last.  To see them all, click here (and you can vote on which is your favorite).  The one for Cowboy was done by another friend of mine.  Aki’s covers are:

Deep in the Heart

Dreams by Starlight


If You Believed in Love

I wish I had time to just sit and look at them all day!  Thanks, Aki!

Secondly, as you can see by the above post, I have a new website for my romance novels.  Over there, you can read the first chapter of every book, as well as excerpts, reviews, and thoughts on the titles.  Enjoy and share!

Finally, February has been quite a month.  Coming Undone hit the #1 spot in Religious Fiction and Religion & Inspirational on Amazon.  Cowboy hit the #9 spot in Top-Rated Religious Fiction.

Thank you all for being on this journey with me!  I’m so grateful for all of you!


Grace & Faith brings you Romance Week!

February 13, 2012

Staci’s books are featured all this week on Grace & Faith’s Romance Week!  Check it out!


Coming Undone on FREE KINDLE!

January 31, 2012

February 1 & 2 ONLY!


Staci’s novel:

Coming Undone

“If you’ve ever searched for love, been afraid to love, or lost someone you love, you will love Coming Undone.”

Available as a free download from Amazon!

To get your free download starting Feb. 1,

(If you do not have a Kindle,
Click here to get an App to read the book on your own computer.)


Cowboy is Now an Amazon BestSeller!

December 21, 2011

I woke up this morning to some pretty incredible news!

I don’t know how many of you are familiar with Amazon’s system, so I’ll give you a little crash course.

There are two ways to be a “best seller.”  The first (and easiest) is to be listed high on the Tagged pages.  Cowboy hit #1 on Christian Inspirational, #4 on Kindle ebook and #10 on Christian Romance at the beginning of this month on these pages.

Then there is the official BestSeller list… Well, guess what?!

Cowboy hit the official BestSeller list this morning (Dec. 20)!

#12,515 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
#37 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Fiction > Religious Fiction > Romance


Thank you SOOOOO much to my awesome, wonderful readers and friends!  Thanks for reading and encouraging and supporting all these years! Thanks for asking about my books and giving me great feedback!


And if you want to come over and do the Snoopy Dance with me… COME ON!!!!

Have a blessed, safe, warm, wonderful Christmas!


Oh, and if you’re looking for great ebooks for presents for others or to fill your own Kindle or Nook, visit my new site through Grace & Faith:

Have a blessed day!

The Most Important God Lesson I’ve Learned Is…

December 13, 2011

Hi, everyone!


In honor of the WoMen’s Literacy Cafe Launch of the book Nickels, by my friend Karen Baney, (that starts TODAY!) we’re going to do something a little different.

These awesome Christian authors have their ebooks available for 99Cents through the WLC.  So I asked them what the most important lesson God has ever taught them has been.  As you read their answers, consider how you would answer the question and then feel free to post your answer in the comments section. We’d love to hear from you!

And now from our guests

The most important God lesson I’ve learned is…

Karen Baney (Nickels)

The most important thing I’ve learned in my walk with God is something that I have to keep re-learning.  So, I’m not sure if it counts to have “learned” it.  But here it is:  Stop worrying, God is in control.  So many times when I’m anxious and stressed, God gently nudges me with Matt 6:25-34 and reminds me that he will take care of everything I need.  All I need to do is take it one step at a time.

Naty Matos (Growth Lessons)

I think that one of the most important lessons I’ve learned so far is that everything belongs to God. It was both humbling and freeing to know that I’m just a steward and not an owner. It changed my perspective of my purpose in life and allowed me to focus on what I’m here to do, build the kingdom of God.

John Hileman (Messages)

I saw a bumper sticker that sums it up, it said, “Don’t believe everything you think.” Knowing who God truly is, and not who I want Him to be, has impacted every aspect of my life. When I seek to know Him as He is revealed in His Word, it transforms my thinking. When I imagine a god for myself-out of my own bizarre thinking-my life is always in a state of constant upheaval and misery. 

Sarah Witenhafer (Tamed)

While writing Tamed, I learned a life-changing lesson: God really, truly, deeply, loves me. He’ll catch me before I fall headlong. He’ll shield me when I’m weak, pursue me when I run and never, ever let me go.

Jonathon J. Dillon (A God Who Speaks)

I’ve learned that God is truly good and He wants the best for me. I’ve also learned He speaks and Hearing from Him can have a profound effect on the course of your life.

Matt Patterson (My Emily)

God is in control. Plain and simple – He is in control.

Linda Yezak (Give the Lady a Ride)

The most important lesson I’ve learned in my walk with God is that when I think he’s abandoned me, he’s there. Sometimes I see him only through hindsight, after the crisis has passed, but each time I look back and see his hand, I learn trust him more through the next crisis.

Shawn Lamb (The Hugenot Sword)

The most important lesson God ever taught me is how my relationship to my husband mirrors Christ’s relationship to the Church.  When one understands God’s view of marriage and why He ordained the institution, one’s whole perspective changes. It’s not a matter being forced to submit, but the more important role is a husband loving his wife as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it. So how can I not want the best for someone who must fill Christ’s shoes?  My call to submission is small compared to my husband’s duty, but doing it, eases his burden.

Precarious Yates (The Elite of the Weak)

The number one lesson I learned in walking with the Lord is to LEAN. I’m not talking a crutch here, more like a stretcher (or a couch lovingly embroidered for us–Song of Solomon 3:10). Leaning, to me, means to be totally reliant upon Him, not wanting to go forward unless He goes with me (like Moses in Ex. 33). Who is this coming up out of the wilderness LEANING on her Beloved? (Song 8:5)

Staci Stallings (Cowboy)

That ALL things work to the good of those who believe in Christ.  I can’t account for it, but I have seen that even in those times I’ve considered to be failures, God both brought me through and showed me His grace, mercy, forgiveness, and love and He crafted answers and insights around the situation that I never could have gained otherwise.  So now when I have a particularly vexing problem or situation, I can breathe and say, “Okay, Holy Spirit, what are You trying to teach me with this?  Show me what You want me to learn.”  Instead of how I used to handle such issues… “GOD! This isn’t fair! Why are You doing this to me?!”  He’s not doing it to me.  Life sometimes does things to me, but God only wants my best and He can make lemonade out of the worst of life’s lemons… even those that are rotten.  Learning that, understanding that, and using that understanding has made an incredible difference in my life and in my walk with God.